Operation Airdrop: Donations Flown to Panhandle Post Hurricane Michael

Operation Airdrop: 

Panhandle Receives Help Post Hurricane Michael

Private Pilots are gathering in Gainesville to begin delivering essential supplies to Florida counties hit hard by Hurricane Michael (BBC). Donations are being dropped off at the former Silver Airways Hangar toward the Panhandle (NPR.)

NYT: Florida Residents Desperate for Aid.

Aircraft owners and pilots are gathering in Gainesville to begin delivering essential supplies to Florida counties hit hard by Hurricane Michael. 

Gainesville resident, James Salter, was quick to help once he heard about the initiative. 

"Every time there is a big disaster here is a huge outpouring from different sections of the country and that's why we do it. We are Americans and that's one of the things that we like to do. We like to take care of people when they need help."

The nonprofit organization "Operation Airdrop" helped Hurricane Florence victims last month. Now, its organizing private pilots to transport donated items to the panhandle. 

North Carolina Pilot, Try Thriffiley, says " Going into the affected areas is really quite a shock when you get over, it was very obvious that we were one of the only ways to get stuff to people because we'd fly in and all the roads would be covered or gone."

Video: Church flies food to children in Guatemala 

A 1970's plane is helping those most affected. It can carry about 250 lbs of supplies to places like Tallahassee, Panama City and Apalachicola.

Apart from private pilots, the group coordinates donations and volunteers.

Chris Nelson says a helping hand can make all the difference.
"Volunteers helping put up signs, bring food, whatever it happens to be is extremely important ot get this done efficiently."

Photos: Hurricane Michael Devastation from Apalachicola The Times

Carolyn Rhinebarger works as a volunteer director to secure goods to the victims.
"It's life or death in some cases, we are delivering insulin in coolers, to some people if we can get it. Some of the biggest needs right now are ready to eat foods like protein bars, granola bars, cereal, crackers, peanut butter, anything that will give them a shot of energy.

She says they are all very excited, and hope they will be able to help people to the greatest capacity.


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